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10.Is the prime minister in GB usually elected or appointed?

11.What are the functions of the prime minister?

12.How is the British cabinet formed?

13.Is the number of members of the cabinet fixed?

14.It is a political convention for the cabinet to act as a single man. What does it mean?

15.What is a Shadow Cabinet? What functions does it perform?


1. In fact the monarch reigns but does not rule.

2. A bill becomes an act of Parliament even without the royal assent.

3.The monarch makes appointments to all important offices of state, excluding judges and leading positions in the Established Church.

4.Part of the royal prerogative is the power to prorogue Parliament.

5.A cabinet cannot be formed or a minister cannot take up office without the monarch's consent and approval.

6.The monarch does not have the power to cede territory or to declare war.

7.The position of prime minister is based on convention, not statute.

8.The Crown presides over meetings of the cabinet.

9.The cabinet meets in private and its discussions are secret.

10.The cabinet determines, controls and integrates the government policies which are then presented to parliament for consideration.


a) кратко излагать основные направления государственной политики;

b)пройти все необходимые этапы;

c)заключать мир;

d)представлять избирательный округ;

e)консультировать и информировать монарха;

f)выбирать из числа депутатов обеих палат парламента;

g)выступать от имени оппозиции по наиболее важным вопросам.

1.16. SAY WHAT YOU KNOW about:

1)any of the monarchs of England, from Alfred the Great, in the ninth century, to the recent ruler;

2)the changes that the royal family has shown itself willing to accept, such as the monarch’s decision to pay tax, changes being made to the civil list, and the opening of Buckingham Palace to the public to help fund the restoration of Windsor castle;

3)the history of the British Parliament;

4)some traditions and ceremonies still kept in the Parliament;


5)the UK Constitutional Reform, 1999;

6)the future of the monarchy in Great Britain.

1.17. ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION. Discuss the following illustration in the context of interdependence of legislative and executive power in the United Kingdom:

The UK Central Government


Provide a detailed examination of the historical and philosophical origins of the federal idea and its subsequent evolu-

tion as modern federalism.


US Political System

1. The United States of America is a federal republic and a representative democracy on the continent of North America, consisting of 50 states. The national Constitution, ratified on the 21st of July 1788, defines the powers of national and state governments, the functions and framework of all three branches of federal government (leg-

islative, executive, judicial) and the rights of individual citizens.

2. The form of government is based on three main principles: federalism, the separation of powers, and respect for the Constitution and the rule of law. Americans are subject to two governments, that of their state and that of the Union, and each has its own distinct function. The states have, under the Constitution, the primary functions of providing law and order, education, public health and most of the things which concern day-to-day life. The Federal government at Washington is concerned with foreign affairs and with matters of general concern to all the states, including commerce between the states.


3. State governments. Each state has its own constitution, similar to the federal one, which defines and limits political power, and which provides safeguards against tyranny and means for popular participation. In each state, power is divided between three agencies, with law-making power given to a legislature (usually of two houses, elected for fixed terms), an executive (the governor), and finally the judges of the State Supreme Court. Each state is divided into counties, which have their own powers granted by the state, and there are also

special-purpose areas for some functions of local interest.

4. The Federal government also has three elements - executive (the President), legislature (Congress) and judicial (federal courts), and the three elements are checked and balanced by one another. The President is the effective head of the executive branch of government as well as head of state. In November of each leap year a President is elected to serve for exactly four years from a fixed day in the following January. The four-year rhythm has never been broken. Together with the President, a Vice-President is elected, and if the President dies the Vice-President becomes President for the unexpired part of the four years - which could be 3 years or only three months. According to the Constitution a Vice-President acts as the presiding officer of the U.S. Senate.

5.Since the adoption of the Constitution, the national government has increased its functions in economic and social matters and has shared more responsibilities with the states. The executive branch of the government, headed by the President, comprises 14 departments: e.g. the Department of State, Department of the Treasury, Department of Justice, Department of Commerce, Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Education, Department of Transportation, Department of Energy.

6.All legislative powers are exercised by the Congress of the

United States. Congress consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate contains 100 senators, two representing each state - a provision of the Constitution not subject to amendment. The 435 members of the House are elected by the different states on the basis of their population at the most recent U.S. census. California has the largest number of representatives, 52; several states, such as Delaware, Alaska and Vermont, have only one. Representatives serve two-year terms, and senators six-year terms. Every two years all 435 members of the House are elected, and one-

third of the senators.

7. The federal court system includes the Supreme Court of the United States, established by the Constitution; and 12 courts of appeal (sometimes called circuit courts), 91 district courts, and special courts such as the Tax Court and the Court of Veterans' Appeals, all


established by Congress. The federal courts perform two constitutional functions. First, they interpret the meaning of laws and administrative regulations; this is known as statutory construction. Second, the courts determine whether any law passed by Congress or state legislatures, or any administrative action taken by the national or state executive branches, violates the U.S. Constitution; this is known as judicial review.


framework - структура, строение federalism - федерализм

respect for - уважение; почтительное отношение rule of law - принцип господства права

be subject to – подчиняться, находиться под действием, зависеть от distinct - отдельный; особый, индивидуальный

provide – обеспечивать, предоставлять law and order - правопорядок

public health - здравоохранение

concern - касаться, относиться; затрагивать day-to-day - будничный, обыденный, повседневный

be concerned with - занятый чем-л.; имеющий отношение к чему-л. foreign affairs - международные отношения; внешняя политика matter - тема, вопрос, предмет

commerce - торговля; коммерция safeguards - мера безопасности means – средства, механизм

popular participation - участие населения, народное соучастие agency - орган, учреждение, организация, ведомство

law-making power - право законодательства, право издания законов governor - губернатор

State Supreme Court – Верховный Суд штата county - округ, графство, губерния

special-purpose area – территориальное подразделение, образованное для конкретной цели (округ, ответственный за охрану экологии крупного природного объекта; округ с едиными требованиями в общем образовании и т.п.)

Congress - конгресс

check - ограничивать, сдерживать, обуздывать, регулировать balance - сохранять равновесие; уравновешивать (что-л.; чем-л.) effective – зд.: действующий; фактический

leap year - високосный год

rhythm – ритм, периодичность, цикличность vice-president - вице-президент

unexpired - неистекший (о сроке)


presiding officer - председательствующее лицо; лицо, наблюдающее за правильностью подсчёта голосов

national government - центральное, национальное правительство increase - увеличивать; усиливать

share - делить, распределять; разделять, делиться responsibility – ответственность; обязанность; обязательство comprise - включать, заключать в себе, содержать

Department of State - Государственный департамент (министерство иностранных дел США)

Department of the Treasury - министерство финансов Department of Justice - министерство юстиции Department of Commerce - министерство торговли

Department of Health and Human Services - министерство здраво-

охранения и социальных услуг [социального обеспечения] Department of Transportation – министерство транспорта

Department of Energy - министерство энергетики Senate - сенат (верхняя палата конгресса США)

House of Representatives - палата представителей (нижняя палата) senator – сенатор, член сената США

provision - положение, условие (договора и т. п.)

not subject to amendment – не допускающий поправок, не подлежащий изменению

census - перепись населения, сбор сведений Delaware - Делавэр (сокращение - DE или Del.) Vermont - Вермонт

court of appeal - апелляционный суд circuit court - федеральный окружной суд

district court - федеральный районный суд (первой инстанции) Tax Court - налоговый суд

Court of Veterans' Appeals – суд, рассматривающий обращения ветеранов (бывших военнослужащих)

interpret - объяснять, толковать, интерпретировать administrative regulation - административное предписание statutory construction - толкование закона

violate - нарушать, попирать, преступать judicial review - судебный контроль

1.20. (*) FORMATION

- amend, amending, amended, unamended, amendable,

amendatory, amendment;

- limit, limitable, limited, limitless, unlimited, delimited, limiting, limitating, limitation, limiter;

- settle, settleable, settled, settler, settlement, settling, unsettled;


- stable, unstable, stableness, stability, unstability, stabilization, stabilize, stabilizing, stabilized, stabilizer.


1.How many states are there in the USA?

2.How old is the US Constitution?

3.Each state in the USA has its own constitution, doesn’t it?

4.What is the US national government responsible for?

5.The seat of the national government is New York, isn’t it?

6.What is the purpose of creating a system of checks and balances?

7.How many members are chosen to the US Congress?

8.Do all states have the same number of members in the House of Representatives?

9.Are all senators reelected every two years?

10.What is the structure of the federal court system?

11.Why are federal courts sometimes called constitutional courts?


2) Americans are subject to two governments.

3) The executive branch of the federal government comprises


4)Representatives serve four-year terms, and senators two-year terms.

5)The Supreme Court of the United States, as well as 12 courts of appeal, 91 district courts, and special courts such as the Tax Court and the Court of Veterans' Appeals, are all established by Congress.

6)The federal courts perform two constitutional functions.


a)обозначить функции и структуру трёх ветвей власти;

b)ограничивать государственную власть;

c)находиться в должности в течение 4 лет;

d)исполнять законодательные полномочия;

e)выполнять конституционную функцию судебного контроля;

f)объяснять значение законов.

1.24. (**) SAY WHAT YOU KNOW about:

1)how the Constitution of the USA was created;

2)amendments to the US Constitution;

3)the Bill of Rights (1791) as a part of the US Constitution;

4)elections of the US President and the role of Electoral College;

5)some of the American states.



In Russia, the national (ethnic) principle, even though supplemented by the territorial one, has become the crucial one in building federal statehood. On the contrary, the national (ethnic)

factor is not a federal principle in the USA and has no meaning in the construction of American federalism. Why is it so?

1.26. ENGAGE IN CONVERSATION. Discuss the following chart in the context of interdependence of federal and state governments in the United States of America:

Constitutional Basis of the US Federalism

Powers delegated


Powers reserved

to the Federal


to State governments




regulate interstate and foreign trade

create and maintain armed forces

make copyright and patent laws

define foreign policy

create federal courts

coin money

declare war

admit new states

Powers denied to the Federal government

enforce laws

establish local government

make laws

regulate trade within the state

establish and

run election


establish and maintain



collect taxes

license professional workers,

establish banks

such as doctors and lawyers

borrow money incorporate business firms

provide for pub- make laws about marriage

lic welfare

and divorce

build roads

keep all the "reserved powers"

protect the lives

not granted to the national

and property of

government nor prohibited to

the people

the states

Powers denied

Powers denied to

to both

State governments



change state

deny due

coin money

boundaries with-

process of law

enter into treaties

out consent of

grant titles of


states involved





act of Parliament








majority party

branch of power





official opposition





parliamentary monarchy

checks and balances



political party


political power




representative democracy

constitutional court

rights and freedoms


royal family


separation of power


Shadow Cabinet



executive body


Federal Assembly

State Duma

federal court

state government

federal government

subject of the federation


Supreme Court

Federation Council

to appoint

general election(s)

to be subject to


to elect

head of state

to exercise power

House of Commons

to manage


to regulate

inferior court

to serve




Five-Paragraph Essay

One of the classic formats for writing an essay is to use the fiveparagraph essay model. This format breaks down the essay into five paragraphs - the introductory paragraph, three body or supporting pa-

ragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.

1. Introductory Paragraph. The job of the introductory paragraph is to get the reader interested in the topic of the essay, as well as to tell the reader what the main idea of the essay will be about. The introductory paragraph should contain the thesis statement, which is a short, yet purposeful, summary that tells the reader what issue will be examined. You don’t need to advance your opinion in this paragraph.

2. Body - First argument. The first paragraph of the body should contain the strongest and doubtless argument, most significant example or cleverest illustration. The topic for this paragraph should be


in the first or second sentence. This topic should relate to the thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

3.Body - Second argument. The second paragraph of the body should contain the second strongest argument, rather significant example, fairly clever illustration, or an obvious follow up the first paragraph in the body.

4.Body - Third argument. The third paragraph of the body

should contain a generally known argument, example, illustration, or

a conclusive follow up to the second paragraph in the body.

5. Concluding paragraph. This paragraph should include the following:

a)a restatement of the thesis statement in new language so that the meaning remains the same, but the language is different;

b)a summary of the main ideas presented in the three body paragraphs;

c)a final statement that gives the reader signals that the discussion has come to an end.

If the theme of your essay is contradictory and you want to bring forward arguments pro and con, then the essay may contain more than three paragraphs in the body.


essay – сочинение

introductory paragraph - вводный абзац/параграф supporting paragraph – абзац/параграф с подтверждающей ин-

формацией, абзац/параграф с предъявляемыми аргументами concluding paragraph - заключительный абзац/параграф

thesis statement – исходное утверждение в сочинении purposeful – важный, полный значения

summary - краткое изложение advance opinion - высказывать мнение body - основная часть

argument – довод, доказательство, аргумент follow up – продолжение, дополнение к conclusive – окончательный, решающий

restatement – повторное утверждение, переформулирование come to an end - подходить к концу, завершаться contradictory - внутренне противоречивый, неоднозначный pro and con - за и против


a)SKIM the foregoing text “Five-Paragraph Essay”;

b)SCRUTINIZE the ‘linking phrases for an essay’, given in

Appendix 4 (p. 308);


c) WRITE an essay on one of the following themes:

-“Advantages and disadvantages of separation of powers.”

-“Inter-relations of national and local governments.”

-“The differences between the form of government in the UK and US.”

-“The principles of federalism.”

-“The purpose of elections in the political systems.”

1.30. TEST YOURSELF. Fill each gap in the sentences with only one word or phrase from the box given below:

1. After elections the main opposition party in Britain forms


2.As head of state the monarch has the powers known as _____.

3.____ consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

4.Executive power in Great Britain belongs to a prime minister and


5.Government is a political organization which performs the functions of the supreme _____.

6.State power in case of a democracy is exercised on the basis of

_____ among the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.

7.The form of government in the USA is based on three main principles: federalism, the separation of powers, and _____.

8.The government as a rule manages _____ and ensures the country's defense and state security.

9._____ is a popular assembly elected for a term of not more than 5 years by almost universal adult suffrage.

10.The House of Lords is made up of two kinds of its members: hereditary and _____.

11.The judicial power belongs to _____.

12.The legislative power in our country is exercised by _____, which consists of the Federation Council and the State Duma.

13.The president of the RF is elected for _____ on the basis of general, equal and direct vote.

14.The prime minister in Great Britain is usually the leader of _____

in the House of Commons.

15._____ contains 100 senators, two representing each state - a provision of the Constitution not subject to amendment.

16.The United Kingdom is one of six _____ within the European Community.

17.The US courts perform two _____ known as statutory construction and judicial review.

18.The US President is the effective head of _____ of government and represents the country abroad.